About TCF

Our Mission

To provide grant funding to organizations for programs that provide for the care, education, well-being, health or happiness of children in need in South Hampton Roads.


Grant Information

Does your organization align with our Mission? If so, apply for a grant today!

Eligibility for Grants

Non-profit educational and charitable organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Code are eligible to apply for grants.

Application Guidelines

A grant request may be initiated through a letter to the TCF from the applicant organization requesting support for the project. The request should be brief, concise and must include the following:
1. A description of the proposed project and its relationship to the TCF's interests and goals.
2. An estimate of time involved in the project's duration.
3. A description of the proposing agency, its goals and its relationships with the existing public and private agencies and services.
4. Qualifications and brief resume of the program director(s).
5. Proposed budget and most recent year-end financial statement and current year-to-date financial statement.
6. Reference to other funding sources
7. Plans for evaluation of the effectiveness of the project.
8. Evidence of IRS exemption.


Grants are renewable for a period of up to one (1) year and are subject to annual evaluation for renewal. In addition, when a grant is offered on contingency with a time limit, if the time constraints are not met, the request for a grant will expire.


All applications are reviewed by the Grant Committee and then presented to the entire Board for a decision. If additional information is desired, the grant applicant may be invited to appear before the Board. Grants are voted upon for approval in February, May and October. Due to the large number of requests, processing of applications may take several months.

Download Grant Checklist Email your grant request

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